KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio

KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384 2003 Kia Rio
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Lot information
Auction number: 39422855
Auction platform:
Sale date: 05.06.2024 13:30
Location: 17372, 10 Auction Drive, Latimore Township, Pennsylvania
Vehicle condition
Odometer: 176408 Mileage (km) / Actual
Vehicle title: Salvage-Pa
Primary damage: Left & Right Side
Secondary damage: Front End
Keys available: Yes
Airbags: Intact
Vehicle information
VIN: KNADC125236226384
Brand: Kia
Model: Rio
Generation: I
Vehicle type: Automobile
Body type: Sedan
Color: Silver
Engine: 1.6l i-4 dohc, 104hp
Cylinders: 4
Transmission: Automatic transmission
Drive wheel: Front-wheel drive
Fuel: Gasoline
Year of production: 2003
Views: 1

More about 2003 Kia Rio KNADC125236226384

The car 2003 Kia Rio with the VIN: KNADC125236226384 manufactured in 2003 by the famous brand Kia, belongs to the model line Rio. It was listed on the IAAI US car auctions website, with the LOT number: 39422855,  by the time of listing on the IAAI website, the odometer was 109615 miles.

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