JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon

JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon
Interested in this car? JM3LV522XL0244969

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Lot information
Buy now: $175
Auction number: 39029875
Auction platform:
Sale date: 23.05.2024 14:30
Actual cash value: $500
Location: 77032, 16602 E Hardy Rd, Houston, Texas
Vehicle condition
Odometer: 412179 Mileage (km) / Actual
Vehicle title: Salvage Title-Tx
Primary damage: All Over
Keys available: Yes
Airbags: Intact
Condition: Not run
Vehicle information
VIN: JM3LV522XL0244969
Brand: Mazda
Model: MPV
Generation: I (LV)
Vehicle type: Automobile
Body type: VAN
Color: Brown
Engine: 3.0l v6 fi f3
Cylinders: 6
Transmission: Automatic transmission
Drive wheel: Rear-wheel drive
Fuel: Gasoline
Year of production: 1990
Views: 1

More about 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon JM3LV522XL0244969

The car 1990 Mazda Mpv Wagon with the VIN: JM3LV522XL0244969 manufactured in 1990 by the famous brand Mazda, belongs to the model line MPV. It was listed on the IAAI US car auctions website, with the LOT number: 39029875,  by the time of listing on the IAAI website, the odometer was 256116 miles.

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