GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza

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GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262 1998 Toyota Altezza
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Lot information
Auction number: 39290563
Auction platform: iaai.com
Sale date: 19.11.2024 17:30
Actual cash value: $11,589
State Farm Insurance
Location: 99216, 3520 N Tschirley Rd, Spokane Valley, Washington
Vehicle condition
Odometer: 267016 Mileage (km) / Exempt
Vehicle title: Bill Of Sale-Wa
Primary damage: Front End
Keys available: Yes
Airbags: Deployed
Condition: Not run
Vehicle information
VIN: GXE100005262
Brand: Toyota
Model: Altezza
Generation: Altezza
Vehicle type: Automobile
Color: Green
Transmission: Automatic transmission
Year of production: 1998

More about 1998 Toyota Altezza GXE100005262

The car 1998 Toyota Altezza with the VIN: GXE100005262 manufactured in 1998 by the famous brand Toyota, belongs to the model line Altezza. It was listed on the IAAI US car auctions website, with the LOT number: 39290563,  by the time of listing on the IAAI website, the odometer was 165916 miles.

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